Wheel of Fortune

Tarot Card Meaning
Wheel of Fortune


The Wheel of Fortune represents cycles, fate, and the ever-changing nature of life. This card often appears when you are experiencing a significant shift in your circumstances, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and the acceptance of life's ups and downs. It symbolizes the turning points, luck, and the forces of destiny that shape your journey.

Key Symbolisms

  • The Wheel: Represents the cycles of life, fate, and the constant motion of change.
  • The Four Creatures: Symbolize the four fixed signs of the zodiac (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) and the stability amidst change.
  • The Sphinx, Anubis, and Typhon: Reflect the balance between knowledge, fate, and the underworld, representing different forces at play in the turning of the wheel.
  • The Hebrew Letters and Alchemical Symbols: Indicate the integration of spiritual, intellectual, and physical elements in the journey of life.

Upright Meaning

Drawing the Wheel of Fortune suggests that you are in a phase of significant change and transformation. This card encourages you to embrace the shifts in your life and to trust in the cycles of fate. It highlights the importance of adaptability and the understanding that life's ups and downs are part of the journey. Embrace the opportunities and challenges that come with change, knowing that fortune can turn in your favor.

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Wheel of Fortune can indicate resistance to change, bad luck, or a feeling of being stuck. It warns against trying to control the uncontrollable and suggests that you may need to let go of expectations and allow life to unfold naturally. This position suggests a need to reassess your approach, be more adaptable, and trust in the timing of the universe. It calls for patience and a positive mindset to navigate through challenging times.


The Wheel of Fortune is often associated with the planet Jupiter, highlighting themes of expansion, luck, and the broader perspective of life. This astrological connection enhances the card's emphasis on change, growth, and the forces of destiny that influence your path.


The Wheel of Fortune is numbered 10 in the Major Arcana, representing completion, cycles, and the beginning of a new phase. In the context of the Wheel of Fortune, it emphasizes the importance of recognizing the cyclical nature of life and the potential for new beginnings that come with each turn of the wheel.


  • Embrace the changes and shifts in your life with an open mind.
  • Trust in the cycles of fate and be adaptable to new circumstances.
  • Recognize the opportunities and challenges that come with change.
  • Let go of expectations and allow life to unfold naturally.

Yes/No Meaning

  • Upright: In a Yes/No reading, the upright Wheel of Fortune generally suggests a "Yes," indicating that positive change, luck, and the turning of fate will lead to favorable outcomes. It supports actions that involve embracing change and being open to new opportunities.
  • Reversed: When reversed, the Wheel of Fortune suggests a "No," indicating that resistance to change, bad luck, or a feeling of being stuck may hinder progress. It advises focusing on adaptability, letting go of control, and trusting in the timing of the universe before proceeding.

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